1950 to 2050: A Global Perspective: Sunday, June 9 7pm

Home /1950 to 2050: A Global Perspective: Sunday, June 9 7pm

Slides of the shape of the solar system and its changes across a hundred years. Robin will give his insights on the implications, past and future. What we have been through and what we are going into. These heliocentric charts provide a more spiritual perspective than the traditional earth centered horoscope and can reveal the struggles of the Probationary path, and the path of the Initiate.

This talk will be focused more on the spiritual repercussions of the times ahead.
Please join us for this unique experience, as Robin rarely gives in person talks.

Robin Armstrong

Robin Armstrong is one of Canada’s foremost astrologers, and has been studying Astrology since 1969. He has been on radio (2008 CHUM Windsor) , TV (2008 Breakfast Television, City TV), podcasts, and given workshops in across Canada and even in China(2015 Shanghai). He is the founder and teacher at RASA School of Astrology. In 2019 he gave an inspiring talk at the Symposium on the Ageless Wisdom at the Toronto Theosophical Society. He is also the inventor of the Celestial Harp, a unique instrument that can be played by several individuals at the same time. His insights on Astrology and the I-Ching are profound.